Friday, October 14, 2005

Carson City to Ely

I'm in a restaurant, smoking! Ahhahhaha! I love Nevada! Though it would
sure suck to be a waitress here.

Today I'll be driving "the loneliest road", US-50 through Nevada. Our
destination tonight is Ely, NV, 350 miles from here and 58 miles from
Great Basin National Park. That's as close as I can get and find a place
to stay with Louise.

I should probably record my more entertaining conversations.

Yesterday morning in fresno I went into the Motel 6 office to get change
for the vending machine. The manager said he had a special runnung,
three quarters for a dollar. I counter-offered with five quarters for a
dollar and he said, "that's no benefit to me at all." Heh.

In Yosemite yesterday I pulled out my Holga to take some pics. I don't
think people generally pay much attention to Polaroids, but because I
use peel-apart pack film in the Holga people are always looking on with
interest. Yesterday I noticed a guy lurking, waiting for me to peel the
film. As soon as I did he came up and asked to take a look. Turns out
he's a commercial photography and he uses Polaroid for his test shots in
his 4x5 camera (big!). We talked for a bit then he set up his camera
and let me take a look through it. He was flabbergasted that I only
shoot Polaroid film. LOL. If it was good enough for Andy Warhol, it's
good enough for me.

This is the view outside my motel. And we're off!

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